Implementing Tata Business Excellence Model in Tata Steel
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Case Details:
Case Code : OPER021
Case Length : 15 Pages
Period : 1996 - 2002
Organization : Tata Steel
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : India
Industry : Steel
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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TISCO - Implementing TBEM
Since the introduction of TBEM in 1996 in the Tata Group, TISCO had made efforts
to implement it. TISCO had laid stress on adopting all the seven areas of
management in TBEM. As an integral part of implementing TBEM, TISCO gave major
thrust on improving the quality of product and processes. It also adopted
several innovative programs to improve its business performance and focused on
reducing costs significantly. Since the early 1990s, TISCO had laid more
emphasis on quality consciousness across all its divisions. It had already
implemented the Total Quality Management (TQM) model organization-wide, while
most of the departments in the company had attained either an ISO Certification
or an internal certification.
TISCO focused more on training and customer-focused aspects of TBEM, including
internal customer focus through a series of internal campaigns. External
customer focus concentrated on the customers' requirement and their
perceptions towards TISCO. The company benchmarked all its key processes and
operations including product development, market intelligence, complaint
handling and determination of customer satisfaction with the best industry
TBEM - The Future
By January 2002, out of the 80 companies in the Tata Group, around 50
had signed the BEBP agreement. TBEM had not only benefited TISCO, but
several other companies in the Tata Group. According to media reports,
implementation of TBEM was beneficial for many Tata Group companies.
Ishat Hussain (Hussain), former executive director, Tata Sons, explained
the benefits of TBEM: "Tata Business Excellence Model is a very process
oriented approach to management. It is a total management system. It
integrates all the business processes. It questions the need and the
efficacy of each process. It gives more insight to the business. It
helps to develop a structured environment to conduct business."... |
Exhibit I: WSD's Ranking
Exhibit II: Objectives of the 'JRD QV Award' for Excellence in Quality
Exhibit III: Tata Group Companies Competing for JRD QV Award for 2002 And Points
Scored by them on the TBEM Scale
Exhibit IV: The ISO 9000 Standards
Exhibit V: The Revised ISO Standards
Exhibit VI: The ISO 14000 Standards